Friday, August 8, 2008

Welcome to our family blog!

Okay... okay... okay! I have decided to get on the whole 'blogging band-wagon'. Leave me alone already! Just kidding!

So, I am currently watching the opening ceremonies of the Summer 2008 Olympics... (on 08/08/08) and what better time to start a blog, right?? Hey... I will probably always remeber the first day I started blogging, eh!? I bet most people can't remember that (without actually looking up the first blog you did). So see... THAT is why I actually waited this long to start blogging. I wanted my first blog to be on 08/08/08! (Okay, so not really, but hey - sounds good, right?) Actually, it's almost 8p... so possibly if I wait just a little bit, I could say that I started blogging on 08/08/08 at 8pm. How cool is that!??

Okay, enough of that... let's talk about my cute family!!!

Andy & I just celebrated our 7 year anniversary... so congrats to my wonderful husband to sticking with me for at least 7 years :) Hopefully he can stay with me for at least another 7, right?? Just kidding! I'm planning on

Andy is working at EDS (which bought out FranklinCovey's call center - where he used to work). He does computer stuff there. I never know exactly what to call his 'title'. I think the 'official' title is something like 'computer systems analyst' or something... ? Andy has been there for 11 years now.

FranklinCovey is actually where Andy & I met. We were both hired the summer of 1997. We were both 'on the phones' (phone orders, customer service, tech sales... blah blah blah). Anyway, we were friends for a long time, but didn't actually start 'dating' until 2000. Andy and I were then married July 26, 2001.

Ten months later came our sweet Lauren! (And no, I personally would not recommend having a child 10 months after your wedding... but we absolutely love her and have no regrets :) )

Lauren is now 6 years old and will be starting FIRST grade a week from Monday. She loved kindergarten, so I am sure she'll love 1st grade! Lauren loves animals and stuffed animals. She's actually currently into 'bugs' right now too. She loves being outside with her friends catching 'rolly pollys' and butterflies. She also loves to sing. She sings all the time... mostly just making up any random song about whatever is going on at the time. (For example... 'we are sitting here.... playing with my stuffed animals... and playing with my sweet baby brotherrrrrr'). Really, just anything random. It's so cute! I will be sad when she gets out of this 'phase'. (However, maybe she'll never get out of this phase? To this date my mom still sings random songs :) Lauren also loves to color, swim, play in the water, play with friends and just be outside. Also, now that she has started to learn to read, she loves to read. I hope she will always enjoy that and hopefully take after her father! Andy loves to read and reads ALL the time. He can read a whole 'Lord of the Rings' book in a day or two. I, on the other hand, am not fond of reading (even though I wish I was). I don't even know the last book I read all the way through. Pretty much just little kid books when I put my kids to bed. How sad is that!?

Anyway, four and a half years after Lauren came our sweet Noah! He is currently 18 months old and such a sweet boy! He is very busy and always going going going... but at the same time SO good and so sweet! He currently doesn't really talk. He says 'ba' for ball and 'ba ba' for bottle (or sippie cup... pretty much he says that when he's thirsty). He also says 'two'.... I don't know why? So yeah, pretty much 3 words. So Noah doesn't enjoy talking too much, but I am not too worried... Einstein didn't talk until he was four. :)

Noah loves (pretending) to drum. He's actually really good at it. He loves watching Andy & I play Rock Band (which we love by the way). After we play, he picks up the drum sticks and hits the drum and even uses the foot petal. Every once in a while he'll even hit the sticks together above his head (like 'real' drummers do). It's hilarious. He also holds the Rock Band guitar correct (putting the strap around his body, and holding it correctly). He even tilts the guitar up every once in a while (like you're suppose to do during the game). It's h i l a r i o u s! (But actually kind of sad that my 18 month old pretty much knows how to play rock band!!) He also loves sports and playing with different types of balls. He also likes picking up things and pretending it is a bat to hit balls with (not so fun for mom). Noah also loves playing with his sister. He & Lauren are so sweet with eachother. It's so cute to see them interact. Actually it's funny to watch Noah tackle Lauren. They're 4 1/2 years apart, but Noah is honestly almost the same weight as Lauren. Noah is my little tank. He's on the 100 percentile in height and 80 percentile for weight. He pretty much looks like a two or three year old. Lauren, on the other hand is petite. She's always pretty much been in the size clothes that she's 'suppose' to be in (at 1 year old ... 12 month size clothes, etc). She actually has recently grown a lot (height-wise). I think she's now in the 75 percentile for height. But she is a string bean! Just tall & skinny! However, Noah has always been almost double what he's 'suppose' to be in. He currently wears 2T-3T clothes even though he's 18 months old! He honestly just looks like a 2 or 3 year old!

Okay, now my turn, I guess? I hate trying to describe myself... but I will (quickly) try. I am a professional photographer. I mostly do weddings & families. It is a lot of fun, but A LOT of work. Sometimes I wonder why I continue to do this. I recently got a studio, which I hope to open within the next couple weeks (fingers crossed). The studio is located on Lehi State Street, about 2 miles away from my house, so it will be nice to be close to home! I also recently (April 2008)went into business with my sister-in-law (Connie Jeppson). We decided to now call the business "Jeppson Studios". (You can check out the website at I have been photographing now for about 8 years. However, the first 3-4 years I pretty much just took pictures of friends & family (and anyone else who would let me take their picture)... but for the past 4 years or so I have actually been taking pictures for people who don't know me and hire me because they like my 'style'. It certainly is a fun profession... but just tiring and overwhelming at the same time. I am also a stay-at-home mom. So I guess you could say I am a full-time mom, full-time photographer and full-time stress case. Phew! (Make note, I did not say 'full-time home maker'... he he, even though I know my husband wishes I was! Needless to say my house does not stay clean for very long :)

Okay, so I think that is about all I can say for now. I bet most of you have stopped reading quite a while ago. I promise that there will no longer be any crazy long blog listings :) I just wanted to do one blog posting that described my cute family.

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